I was privileged to be invited to do a tour of the Bunnings Expo last week, in particular the section relating to plants and gardens. There were a number of people there to take notes and photos, just as I was, and we were given 2-3 mins at each stall to hear the owner speak, and ask questions before we were moved on to the next stall. I went back to take photos later and ask a couple more questions before heading back off again.
This expo was so that suppliers could demonstrate to Bunnings what is coming up in the next few months and there were a number of new plants on display. Very exciting!
There is a new pelargonium going to be available for Spring called ‘Oh So Orange’ and the colour is very bright and orange. Looks delightful.
The new petunia, Night Sky is stunning in its colours and definitely reflecting the night sky.
Haar’s Nursery is bringing out the hottest chilli in the world which will be sold as seedlings only. Bunnings can’t afford to risk the plant fruiting in their stores and children sampling by accident. Will be out in September.
The Maidenhair Fern is reported to still be the most popular of ferns sold worldwide. Sonters Fern Nurseries supply Bunnings with this and many other ferns. It is recommended that ferns are planted in an east or south facing position, kept moist and not in full sun.
Feingold Flowergrowers provide Orchids which still remain the most popular indoor plant worldwide. They have a gorgeous set of mini orchids for under $20 available this spring.
Protea Flora have the new Australis Ruby Protea which is a prolific flowering plant which grows on first year wood, unlike other proteas. Flowers in Autumn and Spring. Grows to 1.5m, is compact and would be good in pots.
They also have the Jolly Joker Leucadendron and is a strong grower.
Protea Flora have also introduced Pot Wraps that can be peeled off the pots and have the relevant information on the other side regarding the care of the plants.
MalcolmPlant Growers Australia (MPGA) are introducing the new Ghostly Princess lavender which will be out in August. Also some lovely hellebores: Molly’s White, Olivia’s Joy and Ruby Daydream.
Oasis Horticulture are introducing the world’s first pink marigold which starts off pink and transitions to yellow. If the weather is really warm the pink turns to yellow much more quickly.
Shone’s Nursery is bringing out a series of 8 new Ericas. Sweet Isabella and Ralph’s Beauty are just two of them. These make great cut flowers.
There were a range of great looking pots too, including the ‘Happy Chappy’, ideally priced at $10 just in time for Father’s Day in September.
Lots to look forward to for this spring, don’t you think?
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