Here’s a great article for you all by Mackenzie Kwak. An inspirational post about composting naturally at home. I learnt about it via Facebook. If you hate leaves lying around at this time of year, well, you can put them to good use. You might think you are already but you should read this article anyway.
We do pretty much all of this here at home. My husband mows the fallen leaves with the grass and leaves it there – the blackbirds come and scratch around. Other leaf litter fallen in the garden is left there as mulch. A speaker at the Knox Environment Society late last year confirmed this is definitely the way to naturally mulch our gardens. Much of our food scraps are given to our chickens and they make compost for us which we then put into our gardens. We do plan to build bays for compost so we’re no longer using a bin and hope to do that soon too.
And old logs and trunks are left in the garden too. We’ve had lots of bracket fungi and other fungi and I love taking photos of them!
This is an article that needs to be read, acted upon and shared to many!
Below are images from our own garden.
Nice work Kathie!