For probably the third year in a row, my husband and I visited a delightful garden called The Nook over the weekend as it was open for display. Love this garden. It’s a full on cottage garden and obviously a lot of hours and love put into it.
The owner, Val, originally built this garden with her husband many years ago, but he has passed and she is now on her own. It’s a real privilege to be allowed to go in and visit this beautiful garden and Val deserves a lot of applause for the hard work and dedication put to it. I hope you enjoy the photos – they tell the story.
I can say, from what we’ve seen of her garden, it has inspired my husband and me to plan to rip out our front lawn, lay a pathway, and turn the rest of it over completely to flowers and bushes, and decorative plants for the birds and pollinators to enjoy. Looking forward to doing that project!
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