The blue banded bees are back! Well, one so far, anyway. Just love these bees, they have a different buzz and dart or zig zag around the place. This one I saw yesterday in our vegetable garden, enjoying the comfrey flowers. So thrilled to see them back again! … [Read more...] about The blue banded bees are back!
Garden images
Dainty Swallowtail in my garden
Have been seeing a few cabbage white butterflies here at home but been hanging out to see other butterflies. Yesterday, my husband spied this beautiful one, that we think may have been recently hatched. It's a Dainty Swallowtail Butterfly, sometimes referred to as a Citrus Butterfly. They hatch in citrus trees and this one was hovering … [Read more...] about Dainty Swallowtail in my garden
Bird attractors
One of the things I love about our garden is that it attracts a variety of birds, small, medium and large. In this picture is an Eastern Spinebill, which is a honeyeater, collecting nectar from a callistemon. Probably the closest we have to a hummingbird, here in Australia. Not an easy shot to get but it was fun trying. … [Read more...] about Bird attractors
Beautiful Wattle Colour
100 metres up the road from us is a beautiful grove of wattle trees. They're not really noticeable for most of the year but at this time of the year - later winter to early spring, they are on show and this year they look magic. I'm not sure why I didn't notice them as much in previous years. Maybe it's because I hadn't been thinking of planting … [Read more...] about Beautiful Wattle Colour
Fairies in our garden
When you walk around the section of our garden where the oak trees and liquidambers are, you'd be faced with a number of small and large red and white mushrooms, some brand new, breaking through the earth, others aged and crumbling and many in between. You would think we have fairies in the garden, and perhaps we have, because something has been … [Read more...] about Fairies in our garden