Photography is very much a thing of chance for those of us who do nature and garden photography. It’s about being in the right place at the right time, and always being ready for an opportunity.
So, that means, ALWAYS having your camera with you, no matter what. Even when I go wandering around my garden (a 2 acre property) I always have a camera in hand, or my phone camera in my back pocket, or a camera in a basket if carrying gardening tools too.
One day, just recently, I was wandering around our garden, looking for new blooms that had opened, insects of interest, that latest plant that had just popped out of the ground. I heard a kookaburra making a gutteral sound, like they do just before they’re going to laugh, except it didn’t laugh. So I went to find out what was happening – I knew it was in our willow tree nearby. What I saw was totally unexpected but I was prepared to get the shot – even if I was annoyed.
Clearly the bird had been in our fish pond and it had the evidence with it. Caught red-beaked, so to say. However, definitely a shot to get and not one that I could have planned or anticipated.
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