100 metres up the road from us is a beautiful grove of wattle trees. They’re not really noticeable for most of the year but at this time of the year – later winter to early spring, they are on show and this year they look magic. I’m not sure why I didn’t notice them as much in previous years. Maybe it’s because I hadn’t been thinking of planting one in my garden whereas I am now. The old ‘RAS’ (reticular activition system) in action. ‘What you think about you’re drawn towards’. Learnt about that years ago before starting up my business. It plays over and over and over again in my life in many things. This time it’s the wattle.
Wattles are a native tree and bush of Australia but they can be found in many other countries these days. They’re also known as Acacias. 1st September is National Wattle Day so it’s not far away. You can read about it here. There are many different types of wattles and I’m hoping to find a small (3-4 mtrs in height) weeping type of wattle with a deep gold yellow. If you know of one please let me know what it’s called.
Anyway, back to the wattle grove up the street. Thought you might like to see pics of what we see as we drive past it almost every day of the week currently. It really is looking quite stunning this year so I had to take a walk up the street to photograph it this morning.
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