I’ve decided to do a regular post on ‘A Day in My Garden’. Probably should have done this ages ago. When you’ve been in regular lock downs over eighteen months, you don’t get to visit many other places. Graham and I haven’t been out of our state at all, since September 2019, and have been mostly home since March 2020, with the occasional trip elsewhere, Lakes Entrance being the last one in April for a few days. Was hoping to do Wangaratta this month to see family members for their birthdays, but it seems for the second year in a row, that won’t be happening.
But we are very grateful that we have a larger than normal garden plot – we live on 2 acres and a lot of it is garden. Nearing the end of winter means we have a lot of work to do. Pruning, weeding, planting and maybe it’s time I started to share things from around our home and garden. There’s always plenty to see!
Today is very Spring like, blue skies, mostly, sunshine, birds singing and flitting around and bees, there are bees! in the flowers. Haven’t seen many bees for months. And today Maggie came and greeted me – flying over the top of my head and landing by my feet. haven’t seen him since Autumn. He and his lady friend would often follow us around in the garden or to the chicken coop, so they could get some of the grain feed as well. They treat us as part of their property and we don’t experience problems with them as we know some people do in public parks. They live here as we do too. And Psycho Kooka has begun banging on windows again. Ahh yes, it’s nesting season and nearly time for chicks to make their presence known.
While I am not anxious for spring to arrive too early (and therefore summer) I must admit blue skies, flowers, birds and bees does a soul good. In our garden today.
Here’s a selection of images from home.